“20,000 spectators enthusiastically celebrated the one-hour world premiere of the work”
Die Welt
September 12, 2017
keynote speaker & composer in residence
Elia was composer-in-residence and keynote speaker at the International Symposium of the International Association of Polyaesthetic Education (in Music) (IGPE) which took place at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria, between 29 September and 1 October, 2017. He had been commissioned the opening celebration concert, composed for viola da gamba (Pia Pircher), trumpet (Matthias Schwetz), violin, piano four hands, youth choir (BORG Music School, Vienna), speaking choir (Open Acting Academy, Vienna) and dance ensemble (choreography: Margit Grabmayr-Schönbauer and Peter Beil). Markus Wintersberger was in charge of a 360-degree visualisation concept at the three-storey foyer of FH. St. Polten. Elia collaborated also with the Tokyo Gakugei University. His keynote speech referred to new approaches of music education (virtu.real – aesthetics of the digital). [Learn More]
September 1, 2017
6 actors, 3 locations, hardware instruments
Elia’s latest Musiktheater “Telenauten”, a commission of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Polyästhetische Erziehung, was premiered at FH. St. Pölten. The work is written for six actors, a hardware ensemble and visual media.
Wir lernen derzeit gegenüber der elektronischen Hypergeschwindigkeit der Datenverarbeitung auch die Trägheit neu zu schätzen, gegenüber der universellen Beweglichkeit und Veränderbarkeit in den Medienwelten die Widerständigkeit und Unveränderlichkeit des Natürlichen, oder gegenüber dem freien Spiel der Information das Beharren des Konkreten, und gegenüber dem Schweben der Bilder die Massivität der Materie. Im Kontrast zur elektronischen Wiederholbarkeit gewinnt die Einmaligkeit neu an Wert. Die elektronische Omnipräsenz und das Universum der virtuellen Möglichkeiten erzeugen die Sehnsucht nach einer anderen Präsenz, nach der unwiederholbaren Präsenz des hic et nunc, nach dem singulären Ereignis.
With Matthias Stangl, Benjamin Petermichl, Arnold Wilfing, Cornelia Schultz, Johanna Klugsberger, Stefanie Fondi | Libretto: Wolfgang Welsch | Stage Direction: Gerhard Hofbauer | Speaking Choir Training: Colleen Rae Holmes | Hardware Ensemble: Christian Munk | Visualisation: Elena Romenkova | Production: Markus Wintersberger.
Artist Talk and Press Conference in Japan
Kyoto Art Centre, 28 September, 18:00
An artist talk and press conference with the participation of the executive manager of Kyoto Arts and Culture Foundation, Kaori Nakatani, and the director and composer of “Sound of Kyoto”, Marios Joannou Elia, will take place on September 28, at 6 p.m. – at the Ballroom of Kyoto Art Centre. [Read More]
7 International Awards within 7 Months in Russia
Honoured by the Government of Primorye and the City of Vladivostok
“Cypriot composer and director Marios Joannou Elia is notching up one success after another in Russia where he has received seven awards for his artistic contribution and work since January. In June, Elia was the honoured guest at a festival ‘Man and the Sea’ organised by Russian State TV at Vladivostok where he received the festival’s prize for ‘Sound of Vladivostok’.” [Breaking all Award Winning Records] [Cypriot Composer shines in Russia]
Two Premieres in Carinthia, Austria
Schloss Porcia, Spittal an der Drau, 24 November, 17:00
Elia has been commissioned by the International Society for Contemporary Music – Austrian Section to compose two pieces: “Curetes” for brass quintet and “Gallop” for soprano recorder, accordion, violoncello and marimba. Their premieres will take place at EXPAN 2018 – Schloss Porcia. [Read More]
A Polytope of a musicotheatrical performance in Vienna
TELENAUTEN – the continuation of AQUANAUTEN (2007) – is performed in three different locations at the same time, starring six actors – in the wagon 16 of Vienna’s Giant Ferris Wheel (Wiener Riesenrand) at Prater Park, an office in the tallest building of Austria, the DC Towers, and a scientific research laboratory. It is a commission of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Polyästhetische Erziehung. The work includes hardware (especially old typewriters and modern keyboards as percussion apparatuses) and visual media.
Wir lernen derzeit gegenüber der elektronischen Hypergeschwindigkeit der Datenverarbeitung auch die Trägheit neu zu schätzen, gegenüber der universellen Beweglichkeit und Veränderbarkeit in den Medienwelten die Widerständigkeit und Unveränderlichkeit des Natürlichen, oder gegenüber dem freien Spiel der Information das Beharren des Konkreten, und gegenüber dem Schweben der Bilder die Massivität der Materie. Im Kontrast zur elektronischen Wiederholbarkeit gewinnt die Einmaligkeit neu an Wert. Die elektronische Omnipräsenz und das Universum der virtuellen Möglichkeiten erzeugen die Sehnsucht nach einer anderen Präsenz, nach der unwiederholbaren Präsenz des hic et nunc, nach dem singulären Ereignis.
Actors: Matthias Stangl, Benjamin Petermichl, Arnold Wilfing, Cornelia Schultz, Johanna Klugsberger, Stefanie Fondi | Text: Wolfgang Welsch („Blickwechsel“ (2012), with the editorial permission of the publisher Philipp Reclam, Stuttgart/ Ditzingen) | Rehearsal Assistance: Gerhard Hofbauer | Vocal Training: Colleen Rae Holmes | Hardware Ensemble: Christian Munk | Visualisation: Elena Romenkova | Film Shooting: Kostis Nikolas | Sound: Nick Elia | Direction: Marios Joannou Elia. With the support of the Austrian Ministry of Education, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences and Open Acting Academy, Vienna.
For Updated News Follow Elia’s [Facebook] and [Instagram].